Legal Online Poker… One Time

It’s hard not to get excited when within just a few days not only is Steve Wynn getting behind federally regulated online gambling but then the CEO from Caesars Entertainment piles on as well…

In this article the CEO of Caesars mentions that they are working with Nevada state legislators to draft legislation for online state regulated gambling.  Obviously intrastate (within one state only) gambling is not really the panacea that most online players are looking for because the player pool will be small for any given state.  DC also recently announced that it can start online gambling and these two intrastate measures are really a great start, especially if they can start bundling player pools similar to how PowerBall or MegaMillions does with the lottery.

However, the really great news from this article comes from the CEO’s (Loveman’s) statement that… “We’re advocates of this being legalized on a federal level because the state by state process is quite a cumbersome one … in poker you need liquidity,” Loveman explained. “You need a lot of players who want to play a game at a certain level, at a certain time and the best way to do that is to have a federal mandate.”

This is huge!  Not only is B&M getting on board they are getting on board the right way, after years of blocking our right to play poker online, we are getting a complete 180 degree turnaround.

I am so excited about this turn of events.  The PPA narrowly missed getting legislation introduced last year to legalize online poker at the federal level.  Getting the B&M folks backing us could easily swing this thing into reality and soon, with much less restrictive measures in place. The one downside to all this is that I would speculate that the poker sites that we play at are likely to have a much harder time getting their foot in the door if the B&M folks want to crowd them out of the market.  But it finally looks like we have gotten dealt AA and someone just raised us from early position. Now all we need is for our hand to hold up!  I am now officially using my ONE TIME DEALER!

PS. Hopefully John Kyl’s recent fiasco over how much funding of planned parenthood goes to giving abortions has shown the world that he completely lacks credibility and will keep this idiot from imposing his social agenda over our freedoms.

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